When teaching student groups at KIT, I found it very useful to summarize a session’s main points with a little quiz. To simplify the creation of those quiz slides I wrote a LaTeX environment capable of generating lists of questions (and answers) animated with LaTeX beamer.
Example application

% \documentclass{beamer}
% ... \begin{document} ...
\begin{frame}{Questionize Example}
% 0 -> animation index to start with
\question{What is $5*5$?}{$5 * 5 = 25$}
\ctrue{Is this true?}
\cfalse{Is this false?}
\ltrue{Is this true?}
\lfalse{Is this false?}
% ... \end{document} ...
}{ %
% #1: question
% #2: answer (replaces question)
% #1: question label
% #2: question
% #3: answer label
% #4: answer (replaces question)